Results for 'Jacqui A. Macdonald'

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  1.  26
    Parent and Peer Attachments in Adolescence and Paternal Postpartum Mental Health: Findings From the ATP Generation 3 Study.Jacqui A. Macdonald, Christopher J. Greenwood, Primrose Letcher, Elizabeth A. Spry, Kayla Mansour, Jennifer E. McIntosh, Kimberly C. Thomson, Camille Deane, Ebony J. Biden, Ben Edwards, Delyse Hutchinson, Joyce Cleary, John W. Toumbourou, Ann V. Sanson & Craig A. Olsson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: When adolescent boys experience close, secure relationships with their parents and peers, the implications are potentially far reaching, including lower levels of mental health problems in adolescence and young adulthood. Here we use rare prospective intergenerational data to extend our understanding of the impact of adolescent attachments on subsequent postpartum mental health problems in early fatherhood.Methods: At age 17–18 years, we used an abbreviated Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment to assess trust, communication, and alienation reported by 270 male (...)
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    Le maṇḍala du Man̄juśrīmūlakalpaLe mandala du Manjusrimulakalpa.A. W. & Ariane MacDonald - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):617.
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    Hard Cases in Hard Places: Singer's Agenda for Applied Ethics.Peter A. Danielson & Chris J. MacDonald - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (3):599-610.
    It may seem that there is no need to review such a well-known book. This is the second edition of Peter Singer's text, Practical Ethics. The first edition has been widely used and influential; indeed for many it defines the field of applied ethics. The field is lucky; rarely is such popular work so carefully argued, so factually well informed and so well written. In addition, it is unusual for the author of a basic text to be so daring. Peter (...)
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    Permanent Things: Toward the Recovery of a More Human Scale at the End of the Twentieth Century.Andrew A. Tadie & Michael H. Macdonald - 1995 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    "Permanent Things reminds us that some of the century's most imaginative minds - G. K. Chesterton, T. S. Eliot, C. S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, and Evelyn Waugh - were profoundly at odds with the secularist spirit of the age, seeing progressive enlightenment as ushering in, not a millennium of perfect freedom, but a Waste Land whose inhabitants - Waugh's "vile bodies," Eliot's "hollow men," Lewis's "men without chests" - can find refuge from their boredom and anomie only in the ceaseless (...)
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    Should endemism be a focus of conservation efforts along the North Pacific Coast of North America?J. A. Cook & S. O. MacDonald - 2001 - Biological Conservation 97 (2):207-213.
    Most documented extinctions of vertebrates in the last 400 years have been island endemics. In this paper, we focus on the need to develop a historical framework to establish conservation priorities for insular faunas and, in particular, to test the validity of nominal endemics. We use the example of the islands of the North Pacific Coast of North America, a region that includes approximately one-half of all mammals endemic to North American islands north of Mexico. Few of these endemics have (...)
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    “We are not the person we will be when these things happen:” Reflections on personhood from an ethnography of neuropalliative care.Marianne Sofronas, Franco A. Carnevale, Mary Ellen Macdonald, Vasiliki Bitzas & David Kenneth Wright - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12646.
    Neuropalliative care developed to address the needs of patients living with life‐limiting neurologic disease. One critical consideration is that disease‐related changes to cognition, communication, and function challenge illness experiences and care practices. We conducted an ethnography to understand neuropalliative care as a phenomenon; how it was experienced, provided, conceptualized. Personhood served as our conceptual framework; with its long philosophical history and important place in nursing theory, we examined the extent to which it captured neuropalliative experiences and concerns. Personhood contextualized complex (...)
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    Accounting for age preferences in sexual selection.Arie J. van Noordwijk & Jacqui A. Shykoff - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):117-118.
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    Gifts, drug Samples, and other items given to medical specialists by pharmaceutical companies.Paul M. McNeill, Ian H. Kerridge, Catherine Arciuli, David A. Henry, Graham J. Macdonald, Richard O. Day & Suzanne R. Hill - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (3):139-148.
    Aim To ascertain the quantity and nature of gifts and items provided by the pharmaceutical industry in Australia to medical specialists and to consider whether these are appropriate in terms of justifiable ethical standards, empirical research and views expressed in the literature.
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    White Matter Integrity Is Associated With Intraindividual Variability in Neuropsychological Test Performance in Healthy Older Adults.Drew W. R. Halliday, Jodie R. Gawryluk, Mauricio A. Garcia-Barrera & Stuart W. S. MacDonald - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  10. Authority and Reason in the Early Middle Ages.A. J. Macdonald - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (32):499-500.
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    A note on thermoelectric power and inelastic scattering.A. M. Guénault & D. K. C. Macdonald - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (70):1201-1206.
  12.  16
    A temporal algometer.A. MacDonald - 1898 - Psychological Review 5 (4):408-409.
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  13. There Is No Male and Female: The Fate of a Dominical Saying in Paul and Gnosticism.Dennis Ronald MacDonald & Karl A. Plank - 1987
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    Acknowledging Animal Rights: A Thomistic Perspective.Paul A. Macdonald - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (1):95-116.
    In this article, I show how it is possible, working from a Thomistic perspective, to affirm the existence of animal rights. To start, I show how it is possible to ascribe indirect rights to animals—in particular, the indirect right to not be treated cruelly by us. Then, I show how it is possible to ascribe some direct rights to animals using the same reasoning that Aquinas offers in defending the claim that animals have indirect rights. Next, I draw on elements (...)
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  15. Studying Christian Theology in the Secular University.Paul A. Macdonald Jr - 2010 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 78 (4):991-1024.
    In this article, I take my own position within an ongoing debate about what place (if any) Christian theology should have within the secular university. Against both “secularists” and “sectarians,” I argue that we can and should locate the study (teaching and learning) of theology squarely within the secular university, once we cease to demand that all academic study within the secular university be framed by a narrowly defined and overly constrictive “secular perspective.” Freed from the controlling dogma of the (...)
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  16. Probability and Evidence.A. J. Ayer & Graham MacDonald - 1972 - [London]: Cambridge University Press.
    A. J. Ayer was one of the foremost analytical philosophers of the twentieth century, and was known as a brilliant and engaging speaker. In essays based on his influential Dewey Lectures, Ayer addresses some of the most critical and controversial questions in epistemology and the philosophy of science, examining the nature of inductive reasoning and grappling with the issues that most concerned him as a philosopher. This edition contains revised and expanded versions of the lectures and two additional essays. Ayer (...)
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  17.  33
    Editorial note.I. A. Macdonald - 1986 - Philosophical Papers 15 (1):1-2.
  18.  29
    Hoping in the Face of Evil: A Theological Account.Paul A. Macdonald - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (5):783-794.
  19. “It Shouldn't Have to Be A Trade”: Recognition and Redistribution in Care Work Advocacy.Cameron Lynne Macdonald & David A. Merrill - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):67-83.
    Care work straddles the divide between activities performed out of love and those performed for pay. The tensions created for workers by this divide raise questions concerning connections between recognition and redistribution. Through an analysis of mobilization among childcare workers, we argue that care workers can address redistribution and recognition simultaneously through vocabularies of both skill and virtue. We conclude with a discussion of strategies to overcome the false dichotomy between recognition and redistribution.
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  20.  5
    God, Evil, and Redeeming Good: A Thomistic Theodicy.Paul A. Macdonald - 2022 - Routledge.
    This book develops a Thomistic, Christian theodicy, the aim of which is to help us better understand not only why God allows evil, but also how God works to redeem it. In my view, the existence of evil does not generate any intellectual problem that theists must address or solve to vindicate God or the rationality of theism. This is because acknowledging the existence of evil rationally leads to acknowledge the existence of God. However, it is still necessary to understand, (...)
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  21. Book Reviews : Ennin's Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law Ennin's Travels in T'ang China By E.O. Reischauer (New York: Ronald Press Co., I955.) Pp. 454+xvi; 34I+xii. [REVIEW]A. W. Macdonald - 1957 - Diogenes 5 (18):108-112.
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    On the brownian movement of unrestrained systems.A. M. Guénault & D. K. C. MacDonald - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (94):1789-1792.
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    Gebser 's Integral Consciousness and Living in the Real World: Facilitating its Emergence Using A Course In Miracles.Cornelius J. Holland & Douglas A. MacDonald - 2006 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 25 (1):70-76.
    This paper discusses certain parallels between the work of Jean Gebser, the European philosopher and student of consciousness, and A Course in Miracles , a contemporary spiritual system. More specifically, it 1) establishes parallels between Gebser’s conception of the ego, especially its basis in anger, and the ego according to ACIM, and 2) shows how a forgiveness exercise may lead to a time-free present, called in ACIM, “The Holy Instant.”.
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    Was There a “Bedouinization of Arabia”?Michael C. A. Macdonald - 2015 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 92 (1):42-84.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 92 Heft: 1 Seiten: 42-84.
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    John Ruskin’s Politics and Natural Law: An Intellectual Biography.Graham A. MacDonald - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers new perspectives on the origins and development of John Ruskin’s political thought. Graham A. MacDonald traces the influence of late medieval and pre-Enlightenment thought in Ruskin’s writing, reintroducing readers to Ruskin’s politics as shaped through his engagement with concepts of natural law, legal rights, labour and welfare organization. From Ruskin’s youthful studies of geology and chemistry to his back-to-the-land project, the Guild of St. George, he emerges as a complex political thinker, a reformer—and what we would (...)
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  26. pt. 2. Diplomatic edition.with A. Manuscript Description by Anne Macdonald - 2005 - In Jinendrabuddhi, Helmut Krasser & Horst Lasic, Jinendrabuddhi's Viśālāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
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  27. Having the World and God in View: John McDowell's Direct Realism and the Philosophical Theology of Thomas Aquinas.Paul A. Macdonald Jr - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Virginia
    The aim of my dissertation is to exploit philosophical insights advanced by John McDowell in the contemporary analytic philosophy of mind in order to readdress a fundamental theological issue, viz. how persons can have knowledge of God, or more specifically, how God can transcend the mind but still remain known to the mind. In the first chapter, I present the 'problem' of how God can be known, and briefly trace its development in modern and contemporary 'antirealist' philosophies of religion. In (...)
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  28. Perception and identity: essays presented to A. J. Ayer, with his replies.A. J. Ayer & Graham Macdonald (eds.) - 1979 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  29.  29
    The thermoelectric power of pure copper.A. V. Gold, D. K. C. Macdonald, W. B. Pearson & I. M. Templeton - 1960 - Philosophical Magazine 5 (56):765-786.
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    The effect of adaptation to the unconditioned stimulus upon the formation of conditioned avoidance responses.A. Macdonald - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (1):1.
  31. The psychology and inter-relationship of twins.A. M. Macdonald - 1994 - In Edmund Michael R. Critchley, The Neurological Boundaries of Reality. Farrand. pp. 299--322.
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  32. Direct realism and Aquinas's account of sensory cognition.Paul A. Macdonald Jr - 2007 - The Thomist 71 (3):343-378.
    In this paper, I show how Thomas Aquinas's account of sensory cognition is undergirded by a strong commitment to direct realism. According to the specific form of direct realism I articulate and defend here, which I claim emerges from a proper study of Aquinas's account of sensory cognition, it is only by having sense experiences that possess definitive content--content that is isomorphic or formally identical with the sensible features of mind-independent reality--that we can be credited with occupying world-intending sensory states, (...)
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  33. Original justice, original sin, and the free-will defense.Paul A. Macdonald Jr - 2010 - The Thomist 74 (1):105-141.
    In this article, I advance what I think is a more theologically robust and informed free-will defense, which allows me to address the problem of evil in a more theologically robust and informed way. In doing so, however, I do not claim to offer a comprehensive response to the problem of evil, or full-blown "theodicy"; instead, I offer a partial response, which I place in the service of a full-blown theodicy. Moreover, my own approach is explicitly Thomistic, insofar as I (...)
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  34.  15
    Authority and Reason in the Middle Ages.A. J. Macdonald - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44 (2):203-205.
  35. A Realist Epistemology Of Faith.Paul A. Macdonald - 2005 - Religious Studies 41 (4):373-393.
    In this paper, I analyse and interpret Thomas Aquinas's account of faith in order to show how Thomistic faith is a veridical cognitive state that directs the mind to God, and consequently constitutes a distinct form of knowledge of God. By assenting to the revealed propositions of faith, and thereby forming true beliefs about God under the authority and guidance of God's grace, the possessor of faith comes to know or apprehend truly something about God, even if she fails to (...)
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  36.  42
    In Defense of Aquinas's Adam: Original Justice, the Fall, and Evolution.Paul A. Macdonald - 2021 - Zygon 56 (2):454-466.
    In this article, I show how traditional Thomistic claims about the creation and fall of the first human beings—or “Adam”—are compatible with the claims of evolutionary science concerning human origins. Aquinas claims that God created Adam in a state or condition of original justice, wholly subject to God and so fully virtuous, as well as internally immune to bodily corruption, suffering, and natural death. In defense of “Aquinas's Adam,” I first argue that affirming that the prelapsarian Adam was internally immune (...)
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  37.  34
    Symposium: What Are the Distinctive Features of Arguments Used in Criticism of the Arts.A. H. Hannay, John Holloway & M. Macdonald - 1949 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 23 (1):165 - 194.
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  38. Hell, the Problem of Evil, and the Perfection of the Universe.Paul A. Macdonald - 2015 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 89 (4):603-628.
    In this article, I address the question why God would create a world with damned human beings in it when (presumably) he could create a better world without damned human beings. Specifically, I explain and defend what I call the “perfection of the universe argument.” According to this argument, which is Augustinian and Thomistic in origin, it is entirely and equally consistent with divine goodness for God to create a world with damned human beings in it or a damnation-free world (...)
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  39.  29
    Christian Theology and the Secular University.Paul A. Macdonald - 2017 - London, UK and New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this book, I argue that Christian theology belongs in the twenty-first-century secular university. In particular, I argue that Christian theology, so construed as a realist intellectual discipline that aims at producing and furthering knowledge of the divine, belongs in an inclusively secular, epistemologically pluralist university committed to promoting diverse and deep knowledge- and truth-seeking. Christian theology enhances truly liberal learning and provides a promising epistemic pathway for secular university citizenry to take in pursuing wisdom as the highest epistemic end (...)
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    God incarnate and the defeat of evil.Paul A. Macdonald Jr - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (2):159-185.
    In this essay, I assess Marilyn McCord Adams's important and provocative incarnation-centered approach to the problem of evil. In particular, I examine the central theological components of her approach: her novel but also problematic conceptions of creation, sin, redemption, grace, and eschatological consummation. My further goal is to use my critical analysis of Adams's approach in order to begin to articulate and defend an alternative incarnation-centered approach, based on a more classically orthodox conception of divine defeat of evil, which is (...)
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  41.  18
    Editorial note.I. A. Macdonald - 1984 - Philosophical Papers 13 (2):ebii-ebii.
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    Being-towards-God: Heidegger and the Relationship Between Man and God in Muslim Ritual Prayer.Matthew A. Macdonald - 2012 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 8:24-44.
  43. Signal detection theory.Justin A. MacDonald & J. D. Balakrishnan - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    The Rennaisance in Scotland.A. Alasdair A. MacDonald, Michael Lynch & Ian Borthwick Cowan (eds.) - 1994 - Brill.
    "The Renaissance in Scotland" contains original essays on the following topics of cultural history: literature; manuscripts and printed books; libraries; law; ...
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  45.  56
    (2) the 'offence principle' as a justification for censorship.I. A. Macdonald - 1976 - Philosophical Papers 5 (1):67-84.
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    Introduction.Margaret Macdonald, A. M. Maciver, P. T. Geach & Nathaniel Lawrence - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):291-292.
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    Analytic Theology: A Summary, Evaluation, and Defense.Paul A. Macdonald - 2014 - Modern Theology 30 (1):32-65.
    In this article I offer an extended, critical review of the analytic theology project. In the first part of the article, I investigate the origins and rise of analytic theology. I also offer some initial insights into the nature of analytic theology, based on some of what its chief proponents understand analytic theology to be. In the second part of the article, I summarize and evaluate some of the major contributions that already have been made within analytic theology. In the (...)
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  48. The learning contribution of student self‐directed building activity in science.Heidi Kass & A. Leo MacDonald - 1999 - Science Education 83 (4):449-471.
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    Do Personal Values Influence the Propensity for Sustainability Actions? A Policy-Capturing Study.Joel Marcus, Heather A. MacDonald & Lorne M. Sulsky - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):459-478.
    Using a policy-capturing approach with a broad student sample we examine how individuals’ economic, social and environmental values influence their propensity to engage in a broad range of sustainability-related corporate actions. We employ a multi-dimensional sustainability framework of corporate actions and account for both the positive and negative impacts associated with corporate activity—termed strength and concern actions, respectively. Strong economic values were found to increase the propensity for concern actions and the willingness to work in controversial industries. Individuals with balanced (...)
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  50.  79
    Violence and Silencing: A Philosophical Investigation of Apartheid.Jacqui Poltera - 2011 - Critical Horizons 12 (2):232-250.
    With reference to examples of violence during Apartheid, I argue that the socio-political contexts in which violence occurs significantly shape agents ideas about and responses to violence. As such, philosophers can only make sense of why perpetrators and bystanders alike may have judged violent acts morally justifiable or failed to challenge instances of violence against the backdrop of the particular characteristics of the socio-political context in which it occurs.
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